Taste our wines?

Degustations @Home
For groups of 8 or more, Bottleneck will gladly come to your home. Together we will look for a suitable theme for the tasting; for example, an introduction to wine tasting, a grape in all its manifestations, wines from a specific country, and so on. Depending on the experience of the tasting group, we will put together a fine tasting.

Degustations for wineclubs
There are a number of countries/regions in which Bottleneck's expertise is considered the reference in Belgium. We provide tastings for wine clubs throughout Belgium. For more information on the possible topics, please contact us.

Degustations for companies
Do you want to pamper your employees? Pamper your customers? Organize team building? We can also take care of that at Bottleneck.be. We will again provide a package tailored to your needs. Interaction & fun are the keywords in every corporate event that we organize or supervise. In addition to tastings, we can also provide catering to the complete organization of your corporate party or event through collaboration with a large pool of high-quality partners.
Daarnaast bent van harte welkom op de verschillende portfoliotastings die we jaarlijks organiseren. Zowel in het voor- als najaar organiseren we een grote degustatie in aanwezigheid van onze wijnmakers. U kan er een ruime selectie wijnen uit ons gamma proeven. Ook oragniseren we regelmatig winemakersdinners in samenwerking met onze restaurantpartners. Als u graag uitnodigingen ontvangt schrijft u zich best in voor onze mailinglijst. Dat kan hier:
Private events?
Would you rather taste our wines in a private setting? Give your employees or relations an unforgettable evening? Get to know a specific wine topic in detail with your wine club? Everything is possible. We will give you and your guests a fantastic evening with wine as a theme. Our tastings focus on